Crisis Management in Times of COVID-19

Crisis Management in Times of COVID-19

As COVID-10 is bringing the world to a standstill, we are experiencing challenges at a personal and professional level. When it comes to crisis management, specifically for financial institutions and funds, an immediate focus needs to be on communication. Communication is essential to gain better clarity and to ensure collaboration and confidence at times of social distancing.

In a financial institution, communication needs to happen in several directions:

  • With your staff
  • With your clients
  • With your investors
  • With regulators

Please have a look at the video for our recommendations about communication. We have a few ideas how we can help you to work through the crisis and to be in the position to grow once the immediate risks are mitigated.

  • We can provide reference information
  • We have an experience team of consultants
  • We can help you with the portfolio assessment and with quick warning signals for the portfolio.
  • We can help you with the deployment of CRM system, enabling collaboration across the institution, collecting client-related and sector information.

Please contact us. We are here to help. This crisis will last weeks if not months. If we do this right and stay disciplined, we can emerge stronger.